Zambezi River Cruise

A Zambezi River Cruise is arguably one of the best ways on earth to soak in the magnificence of this iconic river and its surrounds.

Zambezi River Cruise

Victoria Falls River Lodge, the first private game lodge to be set in the Zambezi National Park, is situated on the banks of the mighty Zambezi River, so close the Victoria Falls one can see the spray in the distance! Uninterrupted panoramic views of African sunsets and exceptional wildlife viewing make this uniquely located lodge the ideal point from which to explore Victoria Falls by combining the safari experience with one of the world’s most famous tourist destinations, The Victoria Falls.

Our trained Field Guides offer guests several safari options.

A choice of two of the following game activities is included in our accommodation rate:

  • Sunrise / Sunset River Cruise and
  • Morning / Afternoon Game Drive

Sunrise Zambezi River Cruise
Watch – from the comfort of Victoria Falls River Lodge’s private river cruiser – as the world awakes and the sun’s first rays skip and dance across the shimmering surface of the mighty Zambezi. A truly revitalising way to start any day!

Sunset Zambezi River Cruise
For the not-so-early-birds: sit back and let the gentle ebb and flow of the Zambezi lull and relax you. Join in on Mother Nature’s Happiest Hour by sipping on a sun-downer in whilst viewing her creatures, big and small, coming to the water’s edge to lap at its liquid life under molten skies.



Typical summer departure times
Morning 06h00 – 08h30
Afternoon 16h30 – 19h00

Typical summer departure times
Morning 06h00 – 09h00
Afternoon 16h00 – 18h30

What to bring
Camera, hat, sunglasses, sunblock, warm jacket


  • Activity bookings may be made by either the Victoria Falls River Lodge Reservations Department (during the reservations process) or directly with the Front Desk upon at the Lodge itself.
  • Victoria Falls River Lodge can only make activity bookings for/on behalf of guests physically staying / in-house at Victoria Falls River Lodge at that time. Neither the Reservations Department nor the Lodge Front Desk is able to make any activity bookings for guests not staying at the Lodge.
  • All 3rd Party activity options have their own/particular cancellation policies. Although Victoria Falls River Lodge is more than happy to make all the relevant booking arrangements for such activities for their guests – should guests (for whatsoever reason) choose not to partake in a particular 3rd party activity – for which a booking was made for them – the relevant cancellation fees applicable shall be for the guests’ personal account.
  • It should be noted that several activities are seasonal / weather dependent.